The Power of BroPonta Lopud uspješno surađuje s vodećim hrvatskim i svjetskim tvrtkama i brendovima u cilju izgradnje i promocije visokih standarda kreativnosti, suživota, dijaloga i poštivanja tradicije. Sponzore povezujemo s kreativnom zajednicom, filmskim umjetnicima, publikom, lokalnom gastro scenom te s posjetiteljima i stanovnicima otoka Lopuda i Hrvatske.
The Ponta Lopud successfully cooperates with leading Croatian and world companies and brands aiming at promoting high standards of creativity, dialogue, living together and respecting tradition. Our sponsors engage with creativecommunity, film artists, audience, local gastro scene as well as visitors and residents of the island of Lopud and Croatia.
The Ponta Lopud offers sponsors various opportunities in three categories:
- Promotion and marketing advertising
- Privileges and additional benefits
- Joint activities
The Ponta Lopud has five main sponsorship categories: Title Sponsor, Gold Sponsor, Silver Sponsor, Bronze Sponsor and Partner.
For more information please contact us at